A busy, busy year for SIRCH! SIRCH applied for funding and was successful in a bid to deliver the Community Action Program for Children (CAPC). The program was in partnership with CHACE Place (which eventually amalgamated with the Ontario Early Years Centre, Haliburton Victoria Brock). CAPC provided services to families with young children facing conditions of risk (poverty, low literacy, social isolation, etc). There was a Mobile Family Outreach, Intensive Parent Support (1-1 in-home supports), Parenting Groups and a variety of educational activities.

Another need in the community that SIRCH identified and was successful at obtaining funding for was a Community Hospice Program. Hospice offered in-home support to individuals and families experiencing a life-threatening illness and/or bereavement. Trained volunteers provided the support.

SIRCH also started a Crisis Assistance Program (CAP). Long before VCARS would come into the county, SIRCH had trained volunteer teams available 24/7 who could be called at any time to go on-site to support family, friend and community members for such things as suicides, car accidents, fires and other traumatic events.

A one-year grant funded a program called My Coach Makes a Difference which helped the public and coaches of every type understand what a huge impact coaches and leaders have on youth. It culminated in a fantastic Coaching and Leadership Fair.

Also in 1994, SIRCH partnered with Kinark Child and Family Services that year to organize a Play Therapy Conference at the Pinestone.

At the Haliburton County Counselling Centre, a specialized program for women who had been assaulted, abused or otherwise experienced violence started called “Counselling for Women.”

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