Women’s Emergency House was a phenomenon! The shell of a six bedroom shelter was build by a generous landlord. Local and national businesses offered furnishings, building supplies, and appliances. For several weeks, hundreds of volunteers came into the House to plumb, wire, drywall, paint, furnish and otherwise ensure that the House was ready to open. Local church groups made quilts and dolls. Everyone pitched in – cottagers, visitors and residents. It was an amazing happening!

The Women’s Emergency House prototype was staffed by teams of trained volunteers and a part time coordinator. It provided safe housing and support for women experiencing abuse and their children, and was available 24/7, 365 days a year!

Also in 1995, as a result of a partnership between SIRCH and the Ontario Camping Association, an Education Day was held in Haliburton with the esteemed Dr. Dan Offord as the Keynote speaker.

Big Buddies was divested to Big Brothers and Big Sisters in Victoria County who expanded their mandate to take on Haliburton County.

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